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Food for Wellness Scan

Ever wonder which foods would be supportive for your specific system versus looking for the foods that stress your body. Then this is the entire focus of our Food for Wellness Scan.

It is common for clients to have the habit of just eating foods that are easy and convenient given their busy schedule. What happens if we are always eating the same foods and just don’t get around to “mixing it up” the same old menu? This habit can cause foods that are indeed healthy foods begin to stress your system just because you’ve been eating them to much. Example is someone who buys a case of salmon and puts it in the freezer. Their schedule is busy, they love salmon so each day it is easy to just move over 2 filets of Salmon from the freezer to thaw. Dinner time comes, and they cook the filters. One for dinner and the other for lunch the next day. All is good to go… right? However, after a week the body starts viewing the salmon not at beneficial but as a stressor.

It can be valuable to just get a scan of the foods that may be beneficial to add to your diet. This is the first approach to take in assessments. Moving from what your body would find beneficial then additional collection of virtual items assessing:

  • Endocrine disruptors
  • Food Chemicals & Additives
  • GMO Foods
  • Herbicides
  • Ingredients derived from GMO
  • Pesticides & Insecticides
  • Water Containments

Included in the assessment is the option to filter for diet choices: then add the option of selecting filters for types:

  • Dairy Free
  • Gluten Free
  • Nightshade Free
  • Paleo
  • Peanut Free
  • Tree Nut Free

Do you prefer your diet to be?

  • Paleo appropriate
  • Vegetarian appropriate
  • Vegan Appropriate

Curious about all the foods scanned? Any foods that do not meet the requirements of a selected category will still be viewable in the Diet Filter Reports. What will you see on the report? Will there be a focus on the foods that you may be consuming? Do you have a coherent response? Neutral response? Or Incoherent response. These are all answers that you get back by the selection list of what foods support balance in your system. Use the results of the scan to look at foods to expand your palette, using them in your cooking and mix up your diet. It helps make it easier to consider rotation of foods that your may not normally think of in your diet. We get it, we are all busy and it is easy to stick the old reliable diet but historically humans eat a variety of foods in their diet and those foods were season appropriate. Meaning we ate foods int he season that they were harvest in the area in which we lived. Since we can now get almost any food any time of the year it is easy to, without realizing it, have a narrow diet of selection. Healthy food but just not enough variety .

This Food Biosurvey records your body’s responses to each VSIs (Virtual Stimulus Items). Each VSI is a computer signature that has been linked to, and represents a particular food. Your response to each food VSI is scored with a positive or negative number and your most extreme responses will be shown on this report.

Negative responses are referred to as biological aversion and positive responses are referred to as biological preference. Even though this is NOT a food allergy test, you may wish to avoid those foods whose VSIs you have a negative response to, and include in your diet foods whose VSIs you have a positive response to.

Food plays a critical role in your overall wellness. While the phrase, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is good advice for most, a diet that is optimal for one individual likely won't be optimal for another. This concept is known as bio-individuality.

The Food for Wellness scan addresses your bio-individuality by gathering and displaying readings of food items for which your body showed a biological coherence, or preference, as well as items that your body had an incoherent response to.

Please note that this Biosurvey does not identify allergies. Be sure to take any known allergies into consideration when referring to this report to help you make wellness decisions about your diet.

Below is a list of your most biologically coherent, or preferred, items separated by food category. These can be incorporated into your diet along with other recommendations made by your practitioner.

Beans and Legumes
Beans & Legumes include any fruit or seed of leguminous plants used for food, which includes beans and peas. According to the USDA, beans and peas fit under both the Vegetable Group and the Protein Group. (1) Beans and legumes have high mineral and fiber content without the saturated fat found in some animal proteins.(2)

Beverages that are considered healthy include water, tea, juice, and wine. Water is especially critical for hydration and helps the body eliminate toxic substances (3). Tea originated in China and has been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years. Drinking wine in moderation has been linked to a healthier heart, stronger bones, and a sharper mind. (4)

Dairy and Eggs
Dairy includes milk, cheese, butter, and yogurt. It is a good source of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium. Consuming too much dairy, however, has been linked to certain health issues. Eggs consist of a yolk and egg white. As a whole, they are high in protein but not high in fat or calories. (5)

Fats & Oils
Fats & Oils that are considered healthy include certain nut and seed oils, butter, avocado oil, and cod liver oil. The body needs essential fats such as these for energy, cell growth support, hormone production, and nutrient absorption. (6)

Fish & Seafood
Fish & Seafood is rich in vitamins, minerals, and protein. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which have a number of health benefits. Foods rich in omega-3s such as fish & seafood promote heart, joint, eye, brain, and immune health. (7)

Miscellaneous Foods
Such as vinegars and condiments.

Nuts & Seeds
Nuts & Seeds contain heart-healthy fats, fiber, protein, and minerals. They can reduce inflammation, slow digestion to help you feel full for longer, and reduce heart and cancer risk. Different nuts contain differing ratios of healthy fats, so consuming a variety in moderation is recommended. (12)

Spice & Seasonings
Spices & Seasonings may help protect against certain chronic conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, according to WebMD. Certain spices and herbs contain antioxidants, which can curb inflammation in the body. Studies also show that they help with weight control. (13)

Sugars & Sweeteners
Sugars & Sweeteners that are considered healthy include honey, maca, stevia, and agave. These and other good sweeteners provide many benefits such as lowering blood pressure, improving bone density, and feeding good bacteria in the gut. (14)

Vegetables are an important source of nutrients including fiber, folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium. They can help maintain blood sugar, lower the risk of heart disease, reduce constipation, boost the immune system, and keep the teeth and gums, skin, and eyes healthy. (15)


1. "The Benefits of Beans and Legumes." American Heart Association.

2. "Beans and peas are unique foods."

3. “The Importance of Proper Hydration” Heritage Integrative Healthcare.

4. “Bottoms Up” WebMD.

5. “The Pros and Cons of Milk and Dairy.” WebMD.

6. “Dietary Fats.” American Heart Association.

7. “Top 10 Health Benefits of Eating Seafood.”

8. Fruit nutrition facts.” Nutrition And You.com

9. “9 Legitimate Health Benefits of Eating Whole Grains.” Authority Nutrition.

10. “3 Benefits of Eating Meat” Medical Daily.

11. “10 Reasons to Stop Eating Red Meat” Prevention.

12. “What Are the Health Benefits of Eating Nuts & Seeds?”

13. “Spices and Herbs: Their Health Benefits” WebMD.

14. “4 Natural Sweeteners That Are Good for Your Health.” Authority Nutrition.

15. “Why is it important to eat vegetables.”

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To assist in creating the realization, that health is possible - for everyone. We believe in the systemic balance approach to healthy aging. To accomplish this we have created approaches of caring for your health based on a synergy between body and science. We utilize our company’s knowledge base, services and technological advancements to foster a state of well-being.

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The information offered by the Consumer Education Services of Optimum Health (OH)is not intended as and should not be construed as medical advice. The intent is to offer educational information on complimentary and traditional uses of natural alternatives. It is presented for informational purposes only. OH does not offer medical services, we encourage the public to seek advice from competent medical professionals for their personal needs. It has been a pleasure to help you better understand your health and how to care for yourself in natural non-invasive ways.