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Help is on the way!

Living in a body that is not at its optimal health is not a choice any of us would make for ourselves or those you love. For the last eighteen years many individuals in the Greater Sacramento area have begun their search into using complementary health care with the services of Optimum Health and their owner Nancy Yilk and her staff.

Nancy Yilk shares openly in a warm and inviting environment what she has learned as a published writer of health and science in newspaper and magazine and as a consultant in the Dietary Supplement industry.

In her appearance on television, radio talk shows consumer advocacy talks for local hospitals, physician groups and her landmark educational classes “If you don’t take care of yourself…where will you live – Health is Possible”, Yilk encourages her audiences and private clients to take control of their lives with accurate information concerning nutrition and “caring for your health”.

Having been featured in Sacramento Magazine, called “Sacramento’s nutritional guru” in Inside Sacramento and guest on Good Day Sacramento, Fox 40 Live, and as publish medical textbook author, Yilk has connected to her community and loves taking care of her clients. Yilks’ most recent medical text book publication was as contributing Integrative Health author for Medical Surgical Nursing (Osborne, et al) Prentice Hall 2013. Yilk is currently finishing a postgraduate degree in Applied Clinical Nutrition, and is a member of Functional Medicine Medical Association and the American Medical Writers Association and Natural Products Association.

The effective delivery of good nutrition, with all the power it avails the body, along with wise health decisions requires having the right information at the right time. As the public becomes involved in making preventative health decisions the services of Optimum Health can help you add a new dimension to your “caring for your health”. Speaker, consumer advocate, and business owner of Optimum Health, Nancy Yilk, and her staff will help you understand how to be smart, savvy & healthy shoppers and health advocates for you and your loved ones.

Find out about our Go Talk to Nancy Appointment

Our Mission

To assist in creating the realization, that health is possible - for everyone. We believe in the systemic balance approach to healthy aging. To accomplish this we have created approaches of caring for your health based on a synergy between body and science. We utilize our company’s knowledge base, services and technological advancements to foster a state of well-being.

 Hi my fellow health advocate!

     I am checking our list to drill down our clients who want to make sure they are on our list for our soon to launch membership site.

     I am excited about all the educational and support information that will becoming your way.  I have always said... "I know that many of our clients wish they could have me on demand when you need a little seasoned input."  A "Nancy moment".  This is exactly my goal of our new project.  For now though I am just checking to see if you want to be kept abreast of our plans and goals for your continuing support. 

     Just click the Yes I'm IN link to be in the know. 

If you find that you are interested just click the unsubscribe button and we will remove you from out email listing.

  We will still be at the store when you need us.  It is hard to believe that for many of you that we have walked this path together for the last 28 plus years. It has, and continues to be, my pleasure to be of service to you and all your loved ones.  The best is yet to be!

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  Help is on the way!

The information offered by the Consumer Education Services of Optimum Health (OH)is not intended as and should not be construed as medical advice. The intent is to offer educational information on complimentary and traditional uses of natural alternatives. It is presented for informational purposes only. OH does not offer medical services, we encourage the public to seek advice from competent medical professionals for their personal needs. It has been a pleasure to help you better understand your health and how to care for yourself in natural non-invasive ways.