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For over two decades and counting, 98% of our clients are referred by their families, co-workers, and friends. Due to this wonderful referral base we have clients nationally. We are proud that so many trust us to care for those they love. The other 2% ...well, we believe God refers them to us. Great referral source :-)

Private Health Assessment

When it comes to health our symptoms are just the surface depiction of what lies beneath. When it comes to sorting out the picture of your health concerns… what they may mean, how you approach changing your lifestyle you may find you would like to sit down with someone to talk over your options. This is where a private appointment with Nancy Yilk HHP can be helpful.

There is a distinct difference in the concept of health care and knowing the practical and meaningful ways to “care for your health”. Using her body of knowledge, 25 plus years of practical experience, equating to over 300,000 hours of one on one consultation with clients Nancy works with you to create a health plan to fit your needs. Using functional nutrition and the LSA-Pro, which is an evolution of biofeedback that uses the principles of biology, quantum physics, and the science of information to create meaningful communication between computers and the human body you gain an understanding of your health at a new level.

We begin the process of assisting you with your health by a comprehensive questionnaire. It is valuable to step back and look at your total health concerns... what is working and what needs possible improvement, to give you the level of health you enjoy. Taking the time to query the overall health is an important step in creating the way in which you approach your health. Our Health Assessment Questionnaire is the first step in helping you creating the distinctions of where health is great and where you may want to see improvement.


Our Health Appraisal Questionnaire (HAQ) is designed to give us comprehensive details about the functioning of your whole body with over two hundred questions that covers every organ system of your body.

You are the landlord of your body and no one knows better than you what concerns you have in how your health supports you throughout your day and the areas that you would love to see improvement. You are the best source of information about the functioning of your body. Our little bits of information that we get throughout our day The Health Appraisal Questionnaire together with the BIA, provides a good overall analysis of the functioning of your body. The report gives us a color graph of mild, moderate and severe nutritional deficiencies along with a detailed explanation of how to correct the deficiency.


Bio-electrical impedance analysis (BIA) is a non-invasive measurement of how body tissues and fluids conduct electricity. These measurements give a comprehensive indication of your state of health, allowing improved client care. Nutritional health represents perhaps the most dynamic area of growth in how to care for your health today. Proper body composition is vital to good health. Body composition and fluid volume change with your nutritional state. Maintaining a healthy body composition is a key ingredient of good health, at least as important as maintaining a healthy weight. The proper lean-to-fat ratio and body cell mass are associated with longevity and reduced risks of cardiovascular disease. Achieving a natural balance maintains health, improves recovery and enhances well being. The BIA makes an accurate assessment of the body composition available to anyone. It's simple, fast, inexpensive and accurate. In fact, independent researchers have found that bio-impedance is a highly reliable method of assessing body composition. The applications for this system are many. It can be used as part of a routine annual review of fat to lean muscle ratios or for monitoring changes in body fat from diet and exercise programs. BIA is a valuable component of our comprehensive health promotion services.

Based on a comprehensive evaluation exam, our targeted clinical nutrition program determines nutritional concerns of the major organ systems in your body. We then discuss natural-based supplements specifically designed to improve the functioning and health of those organs.


Using functional nutrition and the Elite PRO Scan , which is an evolution of biofeedback that uses the principles of biology, quantum physics, and the science of information to create meaningful communication between computers and the human body you gain an understanding of your health at a new level.

Bio Communication with the Elite PRO does not diagnose disease or offer "cures." Rather, they are informational tools to help us develop an effective, personalized program for your optimum health.

When your body encounters a stressor and “stresses back,” the ability of the body’s largest organ – the skin – to conduct minute electrical impulses varies. This change in conductivity is called galvanic skin response or GSR. The LSA System harnesses this reaction by applying its library of computer-generated virtual stressors. These signals are associated with over 30,000 assessable items, making the LSA an extremely versatile tool.

With more complete information, you receive a “Customized Assessment of Nutrition in action” to assist your body in regaining its optimum ability to correct itself. It is an elegant sequence - using the electrode hand cradle, the computer poses the "question," and the body "answers," through biofeedback. The LSA is an assessment tool that tracks the body's stress system; a balanced Stress System leads to optimal quality of life.

Our Mission

To assist in creating the realization, that health is possible - for everyone. We believe in the systemic balance approach to healthy aging. To accomplish this we have created approaches of caring for your health based on a synergy between body and science. We utilize our company’s knowledge base, services and technological advancements to foster a state of well-being.

 Hi my fellow health advocate!

     I am checking our list to drill down our clients who want to make sure they are on our list for our soon to launch membership site.

     I am excited about all the educational and support information that will becoming your way.  I have always said... "I know that many of our clients wish they could have me on demand when you need a little seasoned input."  A "Nancy moment".  This is exactly my goal of our new project.  For now though I am just checking to see if you want to be kept abreast of our plans and goals for your continuing support. 

     Just click the Yes I'm IN link to be in the know. 

If you find that you are interested just click the unsubscribe button and we will remove you from out email listing.

  We will still be at the store when you need us.  It is hard to believe that for many of you that we have walked this path together for the last 28 plus years. It has, and continues to be, my pleasure to be of service to you and all your loved ones.  The best is yet to be!

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  Help is on the way!

The information offered by the Consumer Education Services of Optimum Health (OH)is not intended as and should not be construed as medical advice. The intent is to offer educational information on complimentary and traditional uses of natural alternatives. It is presented for informational purposes only. OH does not offer medical services, we encourage the public to seek advice from competent medical professionals for their personal needs. It has been a pleasure to help you better understand your health and how to care for yourself in natural non-invasive ways.