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It's important
to know how you
go from this...

Get in Touch

to this...

and end up at the final product...safely and with accuracy.

This is why for the last 25 plus years we have provided our clients with Professional Supplement Lines sold to Healthcare providers. Properly guarded with "chain of command" protocols is crucial to circumvent the current counterfeiting problems found unfortunately on the internet and chain stores.

Recognized for our leadership

We know to ask the questions of manufacturing protocols. Our owner, Nancy Yilk, has been a professional medical science writer for 30 years and has published a criteria for medical healthcare professionals on the questions they should be asking... and getting answers to... from the companies that they are considering using with patients. (Medical Surgical Nursing Osborn et al Pearson Publishing )

Nancy contributed to forty one chapters of the book, writing on the full spectrum of integrative health care and its benefits. With an in depth understanding of biological active nutrients, plant properties, and the array of manufactured patented products used in clinical studies along with the disciplines of integrative therapies are explored with up to date information to elucidate and give broad understanding to the researched and evidence based successes with aliened therapies.

Within this book she wrote the very first probiotic strain specific charting ever done in a US medical text book.

Before even opening the store she toured the manufacturing plants of supplement companies and was in the labs assessing protocols of how they tested for plant properties. On the plant floor witnessing the receiving of products, how were they received, what were the protocol for assessing accuracy of product quality. In the labs with the techs assess plant properties with chormo photography.

Having come from a medical science writing background of manufacturing advances in medical and agricultural technologies internationally, she knew the importance of how natural products have been studied in foreign countries. Her first entry was influenced by European integration of natural products with 75% of physicians within the EU trained and using them within their health care system with reliable success. If she was going to help the public appreciate the benefits of the synergistic potential of natural approaches to health care and you learning the "caring for your health" principles she needed to have companies she could rely on to deliver results with safety, consistency and full disclosure of manufacturing . Professional lines fit the bill because they feel as strongly about the health of the public and their industry as she does. Currently our mixture of inventory is largely Professional Healthcare lines and reputable health food store lines. We cover the spectrum of nutritional supplements, herbal formulas, homeopathic remedies, flower essence homeopathic, skin care and personal health products.

With all of this said, we want to send out our appreciation for all who work in the natural health care industry. Their devotion to caring for the public and making every effort to make their own unique contribution to the health of our communities. We have a deep appreciation of all the health food stores in our area, their leadership and staff that believe in the same principles of taking care of the public.

Our Mission

To assist in creating the realization, that health is possible - for everyone. We believe in the systemic balance approach to healthy aging. To accomplish this we have created approaches of caring for your health based on a synergy between body and science. We utilize our company’s knowledge base, services and technological advancements to foster a state of well-being.

 Hi my fellow health advocate!

     I am checking our list to drill down our clients who want to make sure they are on our list for our soon to launch membership site.

     I am excited about all the educational and support information that will becoming your way.  I have always said... "I know that many of our clients wish they could have me on demand when you need a little seasoned input."  A "Nancy moment".  This is exactly my goal of our new project.  For now though I am just checking to see if you want to be kept abreast of our plans and goals for your continuing support. 

     Just click the Yes I'm IN link to be in the know. 

If you find that you are interested just click the unsubscribe button and we will remove you from out email listing.

  We will still be at the store when you need us.  It is hard to believe that for many of you that we have walked this path together for the last 28 plus years. It has, and continues to be, my pleasure to be of service to you and all your loved ones.  The best is yet to be!

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  Help is on the way!

The information offered by the Consumer Education Services of Optimum Health (OH)is not intended as and should not be construed as medical advice. The intent is to offer educational information on complimentary and traditional uses of natural alternatives. It is presented for informational purposes only. OH does not offer medical services, we encourage the public to seek advice from competent medical professionals for their personal needs. It has been a pleasure to help you better understand your health and how to care for yourself in natural non-invasive ways.